If You Love It—

I’ve been surprised and so blessed by the reception A Midwife in Amish Country has received. What started as a merrily trickling stream in January with my enthusiastic launch team has become a river! Every day I hop online to find sweet messages on my pages, on my posts, and in my inboxes and they[…]

Other Lessons Learned Among the Amish

“Something I really do admire about the Amish is the way… their lives keep them close to the rhythms of the earth… in sync with the rising and the setting of the sun.” A little snippet from A Midwife in Amish Country Celebrating God’s Gift of Life “We turned to watch the stout, apple-cheeked Amishman[…]

Yes! It’s Actually a True Story

Another little bit of A Midwife in Amish Country Celebrating God’s Gift of Life “My journals from that period are overflowing with the triumphs and agonies of those exhilarating, frustrating, exhausting, potent years. My young heart was coming to life. The sense of who I was and what I was meant to do was maturing.[…]

Lessons Learned Among the Amish

Lessons Learned Among the Amish A little snippet from A Midwife in Amish Country Celebrating God’s Gift of Life “I’d come to cherish the warmth and charm of lamp and lantern light, to treasure visions of intricate quilts stretched across hand-fashioned frames and the thrum of treadle sewing machines—I’d glory in the rows of magenta[…]