Lights, Camera, Action! by Sarah Donahue

It’s with a flood of joy that I introduce you to Sarah and Matt Donahue and their birth stories today! Our lives came together eight years ago across 800 miles of telephone wire, then morphed from professional to personal like the dancing hues of a kaleidoscope caught within a beam of sunlight. Hannah and I attended the[…]

Homebirthing Daddy, Brent Woodard

As tomorrow, 10/13/2015, marks what would’ve been my twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with Brent Woodard, my first husband and the father of my two children, I thought it would be appropriate (and fun!)(Brent was so much fun!) to honor his memory by telling a bit about him and our two homebirths. Brent and I had a[…]

Midwife Life, Part One: “Hello?”

A sudden jangling startled me from the wonderful world of soot and orphans and redemption Charles Dickens had woven and lured me into. Mildly annoyed, I backed away from the sink and stripped the sudsy yellow gloves from my hands in order to shush Charles and fish the phone from the front pocket of my stained[…]

Sarah York, Apprentice Midwife!

Meet the Amazing Sarah York! I’m very pleased to introduce Sarah York this morning, my newest apprentice! When I made the decision to marry Steven and move to Colorado in the winter of 2013/2014, I fully understood I was relinquishing something I loved with all my heart – my work as a homebirth midwife with the most wonderful partner,[…]

Scared Out of Labor, by Siobhan Walker

I was abundantly blessed to serve as Siobhan and Trent’s midwife through the pregnancies and births of two of their five boys though, as Siobhan mentions, I missed the first of the two boys’ births by a hair’s-breadth! Oh, the memories! The second occurred amidst a flurry of births, and the main thing I remember about[…]

Hats Off to Hannah and Sarah!

My first week in Michigan this summer I was blessed with the privilege of attending three births with my daughter, Hannah! The first of those births I also attended with Sarah Donahue, a client, a friend, and now, thanks to my son’s recent wedding, family. I had to include both photographs here since we couldn’t get the babies[…]

My Favorite Part

This article is from my book, Nourish & Thrive: Happy, Healthy Childbearing. I love witnessing the little ones emerge and unfurl into the light as their fathomless eyes wink and peek beneath their downy brows. But I really think what I love best of all is when all of this transpires under and into the[…]