Oh, Please! Hire a Birth Photographer!

Many thanks to Danica Donnelly for inviting my to share how I feel about birth photography on her blog! It was a joy to write a short story about a thing I cherish so! And I do cherish it so! Yes, I’m a midwife and I get paid real money (well, usually–I’ve been known to[…]

To a Wild and Woolly Life! Michigan Part Six

“Don’t pick that up!” “Put that down!” “No, that really IS too heavy for you!” These were the exclamations that filled my ears in the last weeks of my pregnancy as we hurried and scurried to prepare to move as my due date loomed closer and closer! Jesse or Mom would say something akin to[…]

It’s There in the Newborn Cry, Michigan Part Five

Hannah didn’t give birth the night Megan sent me home with the necklace, and we’re glad she didn’t. She and Jesse were in the process of purchasing a house and we were determined to get her into it before Elyse made her appearance. Hannah and Jesse closed on their home, a lovely little place tucked[…]

When You Pass Through the Fire, Foot-First Breech, Michigan Part Three

To tell our birth stories… To tell our birth stories is the attempt to capture in words among the most profound, most powerful of our life experiences… Experiences simultaneously painful… gorgeous… raw… terrifying… triumphant… naked… transformative…. To tell our birth story is to tell of the time we got caught out in the wildest, darkest, most brutal[…]

You Can Die Now, Michigan Part Two

Well, it’s Friday, October 27th and I’m eight days home from Michigan. My husband, Steven, and my middle bonus son, Adam, are hunting up in the mountains. I’m away in the mountains, too, alone and relishing the quiet. I’m perched beside Fall River with the song of rapids in my ears and clean air in[…]

There and Back Again, Michigan Part One

I yawned and stretched. I’d gone to bed too late the night before – thirsty to soak up every last drop of time I could with my daughter and my granddaughters – but I’d still managed to rise early enough to start out on my twenty-two hour drive at a decent time. My girls were yet asleep,[…]

And Elyse Makes Three

Elyse Hannah Simmons 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 22.25 inches long Born to Hannah Evangeline and Jesse Simmons and to her sister, Evangeline Heidi. 6:35 Sunday morning, September 24, 2017 Elyse began her journey earthside mere hours after the Simmons family settled themselves into their new home and christened it with the dawning of the[…]