Nourish + Thrive!

The newest edition of Nourish + Thrive is FINALLY finished and available!!! I’m really thrilled with this edition! It’s now nearly 400 pages spanning three parts! Part One includes an excerpt from Homebirth—Safe + Sacred detailing the safety of birthing at home, a chapter describing the care generally provided by homebirth midwives, a complete listing[…]

Breech Without Borders in Colorado Springs

Hello, Friends! I’m excited to announce Dr. David Hayes OB/GYN, with Breech Without Borders will be in Colorado Springs through the third week of November in order to provide the hands-on portion of the new Breech-Pro Hybrid course to the providers of our community! I was able to attend a Breech Without Borders seminar in[…]

Carolina Birth Junkies Retreat!

Hello, Friends! So here I am, thrilled to my toes to share news about the Carolina Birth Junkies 2019 Summer Island Retreat, August 22-25! The first two days will hold the eagerly sought after Breech Birth Workshop conducted by Dr. Rixa Freeze of Stand and Deliver and Dr. David Hayes, an honest-to-goodness homebirth OB/GYN! The[…]

Birthing Your Placenta

Well! What a gem! I believe this is my favorite Sara Wickham book yet! Birthing Your Placenta is a most gorgeous little book devoted exclusively to the oft-forgotten, yet no less essential conclusion to the miraculous act of bringing forth life! In Birthing Your Placenta, Sara Wickham and Nadine Edwards explore every facet of the[…]


The 2018 Winter Park Conference was a magnificent success, and those of us who had the pleasure of attending agreed to be part of what we hope will prove the first among many returns of the informative and nourishing event a thing to treasure. Our time together opened with the opportunity to renew our certification[…]

Another Sara Wickham Book! What’s Right For Me?

Whether you’re preparing to give birth now or simply hope to one day do so, I enthusiastically recommend this book. Our inimitable Sara strikes again with a sweet little tool designed to help birthing women determine what they truly need and want for themselves and their babies amidst a cacophony of options and opinions. Sara[…]

2018 Winter Park Midwifery Conference

From June 10th through June 13th women’s health advocates of every variety and from all corners of the country, as well as from across the waters, will gather for a time of nourishment and growth in Winter Park, Colorado. Janelle Komorrowski’s, DNP, CNM—one of my own favorite educators—is the woman drawing us together this summer. Janelle[…]

Vitamin K and the Newborn by Dr. Sara Wickham

One of the things I love and appreciate most about Dr. Sara Wickham besides her wonderfully warm heart is the way she’s able to probe, deconstruct, decipher, and translate the abstruse data and directives that swirl around the childbearing family and their care providers—empowering us to ask our questions and think things through from a[…]