Event Number Two Along the Glorious North Shore

A week after hosting the screening of Why Not Home? The Surprising Birth Choices of Doctors and Nurses, at 6:00 Wednesday evening, July 24th, Sadie Sigford and I will be hosting a follow-on event at the Grand Marais Public Library! We’ll be discussing American homebirth and homebirth midwifery with an in-depth look at our statistics,[…]

If Success Was Measured in Smiles & Hugs

If success was measured in smiles and hugs alone, that would be enough ♥ It turns out there are many ways to measure success! The Barnes & Noble store manager told me on Sunday I’d be welcome back anytime as they’ve been consistently surprised at how often the book is asked for and how well the[…]

Carolina Birth Junkies Retreat!

Hello, Friends! So here I am, thrilled to my toes to share news about the Carolina Birth Junkies 2019 Summer Island Retreat, August 22-25! The first two days will hold the eagerly sought after Breech Birth Workshop conducted by Dr. Rixa Freeze of Stand and Deliver and Dr. David Hayes, an honest-to-goodness homebirth OB/GYN! The[…]

Homebirth Midwives Serving Colorado Springs

There are a whole lot of us, folks, and we’re listed here alphabetically by first name ♥ CARMEN LACKETT, CPM, RM Mother to Mother Midwifery: 719-499-6231 mothertomothermidwifery.net DANA MCLAREN, CPM 719-466-3205 DEMETRA SERIKI, CPM, RM A Mother’s Choice Midwifery: 719.425.2631 Demetra runs Colorado Spring’s Open Access Clinic! amcmbirth.com EMILY THOMPSON, CPM, RM Organic Homebirth: 719.291.6704[…]