Breech Pro in Colorado Springs 2022

We just can’t get enough of these people, so they’re coming to us again, Wednesday, 1 June 2022! This will be a full-day event with lots of options provided alumni as to how they’d like to participate, ranging from attending a two-hour block of simulations; attending the full day, to include a two-hour block of[…]

Another Wonderful Book by Dr Sara Wickham!

Anti-D Explained is the much-anticipated, updated version of Dr. Sara Wickham’s very first book, Anti-D in Midwifery, Panacea or Pandora? The essential issue associated with possessing a blood type absent the rhesus factor (also known as being of a rhesus negative or Rh negative blood type) while carrying and bearing babies is the same issue[…]

Re-Teach Breech!

Oh my goodness! How much we learned! This was my second time through a Breech Without Borders course in the last little better than a year and you know what? I know I’ll take the course again! The Breech-Pro Hybrid Course is excellent. The fifteen hours worth of on-line instruction is incredible, as well as[…]

Breech Without Borders in Colorado Springs

Hello, Friends! I’m excited to announce Dr. David Hayes OB/GYN, with Breech Without Borders will be in Colorado Springs through the third week of November in order to provide the hands-on portion of the new Breech-Pro Hybrid course to the providers of our community! I was able to attend a Breech Without Borders seminar in[…]

Birthing YOUR Baby

Birthing Your Baby: the second stage of labour by Dr. Nadine Edwards provides us with a most excellent piece of work exploring the pinnacle of the childbearing experience–that unparalleled moment when our world’s newest soul spirals into the light! As a practicing homebirth midwife, the parts of Dr. Edwards’ book that resonated with me most[…]